The World Is Their Classroom Home Ed. Q+A blogpost

Nicola from The World Is Their Classroom will be featuring me in her home ed Q&A blogpost. I’m so thankful for the opportunity!

You can read the Q+A here:

When and why did you decide to Home Educate?

I started homeschooling when my oldest was 4, she's now 7. I decided to homeschool after enrolling into countless schools, all with different pedagogies and each more expensive than the last. Her curiosities and her passions were not nurtured in a traditional school environment.

What kind of approach do you take?

We are an eclectic mix of unschooling, unit studies because they can dive deeper and extend the lessons, charlotte mason and montessori. Because that's what homeschool is about, flexibility and just learning.

Where do your children learn?

Learning happens everywhere! Before covid, we used to do "school" at parks, hillsides, cafes, restaurants and we traveled to different countries. At home, they do have a few designated areas for writing but our whole house is pretty much taken over by their learning spaces. We do read-alouds at the kitchen table, they bake with me, the playroom where all the sensory play happens, we use the living room to watch yoga & ballet and a study room full of books and learning shelves. So, yes pretty much the whole house.

What is your favourite thing about Home Education?

I absolutely love being able to spend quality time with my children and how I can attend to anything they are passionately curious about right away. I love seeing them grow up right before my eyes, giving them nutritious meals without having to worry about the food they serve in school.

What subjects do you teach and do you stick to a timetable?

Language arts, Math, Nature & Science, Art, History, Geography and Social Studies. We are rarely able to stick to a timetable but we do have a rhythm.

What is the hardest thing about Home Ed?

Trying to burn all their energy! They love doing school and have a million questions they constantly need to show me a caterpillar or a funny looking bird they saw, and help them identify the tiny eggs laid on their window.

What about socialisation?

The girls had ballet classes, music classes, piano lessons and co-ops with friends before covid and they are quite popular in our local community. The grocers, cafe and food stall owners have become really close with the girls, they even buy them presents during the holidays. The most common misconception is that socialisation happens only among peers. That's not the case.

Have family been supportive?

My husband is 100% supportive of my decision and is confident I can continue teaching them for as long as they want me to. The rest of the family (grandparents) are a little more traditional.

How do you incorporate physical education into your Home Ed?

Play is extremely important in the development of children. We bought a condominium that has a gym area, tennis court, playground and a swimming pool for the girls so it's pretty convenient. On weekends, we would go to the park that's about a 5 min walk from our house. When we can't go outside, we watch yoga on youtube or even just to jump on a trampoline! We are a pretty active family so anything that gets them moving is good enough for us.

Do you plan in advance?

Yes and no. I do have an idea of what topics I'd like to cover, but I also believe in interest led learning. If they have a topic they are curious about we will research and learn together!

What's a typical day like?

Everyday looks different. Normally my oldest would wake up and go about her morning routine, then the first thing she does is independent reading. She'll read anything from chapter books, to storybooks and even reference books. She'll go to our library and pick out anything she wants. Then we would have breakfast as a family. Then I would start with morning basket which is usually me reading aloud or listening to an audiobook as they color. I style their hair and we roll out our homeschool cart and begin our lessons. First subject is usually language arts and I will do some sight word games or letter formations with the little one. Then we move on to math. I teach the girls simultaneously because they like learning together. The little one will usually do counting or basic addition, she learns best through play and games. So we would "play" school. Then they have a snack. The girls will play and I will prepare lunch. After that, we either have nature & science unit studies or ART!!! History is only once a week and Geography is incorporated in the unit studies. We also integrate social studies pretty seamlessly. Then we have ballet, yoga or zumba to really get them moving. Sometimes we do poetry tea-time and then we call it a school day!

Do you spend a lot of money on resources?

Guilty! I love splurging on books, toys, art materials and stationery. I get really excited when these things come in the mail.

How do you make time for yourself?

I only have a few moments to myself in the late afternoon when I have coffee and start creating new studies for the girls. Also, I try to get them into bed as early as possible so I can chill and watch a movie with my husband.

What advice would you give to others thinking or about to start Home Ed?

You are the only one who knows what is best for your children, listen to your heart! You've got this!

Thank you again Nicola, for featuring me!


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