Why We Homeschool


Many people may wonder why we chose to homeschool our children. Even before the birth of my two beautiful daughters, education was something that we discussed and is extremely important to us. School does not equal education!

We have sent our daughter to many different schooling environments and there was just no perfect fit. In a traditional schooling environment, her curiosity for knowledge was not something that teachers nurtured and her creativity was viewed as being rebellious. They needed every student to be at the same level. I remember Parent teacher conference, when Kara’s teacher said she colored an elephant the wrong color. I saw a beautiful piece of art with vibrant colors of purple, pinks, greens and blues. She is an artist, all children are. The teacher even remarked that she had zero creativity. It killed me, and I changed schools.

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”

-Margaret Mead

Each child is unique, with different personalities and learning styles. How can we expect them to learn the same way? If they excel in a certain subject, they’ll need to wait on others in the class and if they fall behind, they’ll need to work harder and struggle to catch up. That will just make the child lose interest in the subject altogether. This is not what I want for my children. So what I really love about home schooling is the customisation and flexibility. You choose what is right for your children and manage your own time!

“Each child is unique, therefore their educations should be also.”

-Jeannie Fullbright

I did not think about home schooling until I have experienced several different schools. The more I’ve thought about it, the deeper I went into researching it. And with modern day technology, learning about anything is virtually possible. I probably would never have agreed to home schooling twenty years ago.

Most schools now have shorter time for lunch and play, so children have no time to develop good social skills, empathy and problem solving. They focus less on art and music classes, and spend most of their days doing schoolwork and a ton of work to bring home.

How many years can you honestly say that you will have with them? Spending quality time? A typical family would send their kids to school for 8 long hours, they come home, tired, under nourished. You rush to make dinner for them. Then they do their homework and before you know it bedtime. The day comes to and end. Being able to spend so much time with them is a blessing and for that I am grateful.

Remember the days are long, but the years are short!


The Early Years